Category Archives: Bridal Jewelry

Personalized Morse Code Ring

I thought I would feature my Morse Code ring today and talk a little bit about the process of making it. When I first thought of making it, I loved the idea of a secret code on the outside of the ring. I was already making a more slender version you can check out on my website here. I thought why not put some wording on the inside? I came up with this:

morse code ring
Personalized Morse Code Ring

It’s a little bit tricky to make, and can get stressful at times. Trying to hand stamp Morse Code onto a ring in a straight line is in itself an accomplishment. Now throw in some wording on the backside and you might think… crazy! How could I possibly get this right? Practice! and get to know your stamps.

It’s a little bit embarrassing to admit, but when I first started making these Morse Code rings I couldn’t even tell you how many I messed up by either stamping the Morse Code crooked/too deep or messing up the spacing of the phrase on the inside. Luckily, I recycle my silver, but it’s still heartbreaking to see all that work go to waste. Also being a perfectionist doesn’t help. I have to remind myself that I’m not a machine it’s not going to be perfect. Handmade is allowed to be a bit quirky, that’s the beauty of it, right?

Morse Code Ring
Personalized Morse Code Ring

Now that I have a few under my belt, they are way easier to make… It took some practice and a lot of patience but It’s truly a labor of love for me. I’m glad I didn’t give up!

Taking Photos Of Your Handmade Jewelry

So you’ve made your beautiful piece of handcrafted jewelry, you love it! You want to show off your handcrafted creation and sell it online! So now you need to take photos of your handmade jewelry. Your photos should be crisp and clear, you want to show off your handmade jewelry at it’s finest! Sometimes, I’m not sure if taking photos of my handcrafted jewelry takes longer than actually making my handmade jewelry!

Here are two inexpensive ways to have your own jewelry studio!

My preference is natural light. I take most of my photos of my handmade earrings outside. I do use a white board one as a base, and another I cut with a knife partialy so that it folds like a book. I usually use a wine glass as a prop to hang my handmade jewelry from. If I am feeling really creative, I hang my handmade jewelry on branches or leaves.

It’s not a perfect world and I know weather doesn’t always comply. When I take photos of my handmade beaded jewelry inside, I use natural light light bulbs, and I bought two spot lights from the local hardware store for about $5 each (I don’t want shadows!). Yes, I still use my white board to take photos of my handcrafted jewelry. I usually take photos in a small space like the laundry room.

Experiment with angles, close-ups, ect…

If you would like to share your handmade jewelry photography please e-mail me!

freshwarter, coin, pearl, freshwater coin pearl, sterling silver, white, 12mm